The New Official Site for J. Derek Howard
It’s been a long time coming, but I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my new personal website. This new site was created for the purpose of not jsut being a place for my work online, but also to be the new hub for my online in general. Many thanks to my amazing web designer for his incredible work on this site.
As things move on from here, I’ll be transitioning to using this site more and more to host updates, content and other things I create. I will still post them on assorted different platforms, but this will be the central hub for everything I’m doing.
Understanably, there isn’t much on here yet, but I will be updating it more in the future as many of the things I have “in the fire” will come to fruition.
In the meantime, stay tuned and be sure to follow me on all the social media sites as well.